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Bear postures demonstrated and explained by Dr. Xie Peiqi & He Jinbao

10 VOLUMES – R$ 80,00 REAIS

O sistema Bear pertence ao trigrama Gen, que é o mais novo dos trigramas Yang. Como tal, é muito forte, mas não luta de forma dominante. É a arte de arrancar a vitória da derrota, atacar em retirada ou enganar um oponente por ser aparentemente simples. É ideal para pessoas que são fortes, grandes em estrutura (embora não necessariamente em altura) ou atarracadas/pesadas e são capazes de usar seu peso corporal de forma vantajosa. Uma generalização é que o Urso usa uma força rotativa pesada para neutralizar o oponente enquanto ataca de uma direção inesperada.

Esta série de treinamento intensivo apresenta as Práticas de Fundação, bem como os métodos de ataque Rushing, Penetrating, Withdrawing, Carrying, Leaning, Shocking, Soft e Following Attack.

Course Curriculum

Bear System 01 Strengthening Postures
StartIntroduction and Background of YSB (3:46)
StartIntroduction to Bear System (6:47)
StartStrengthening Postures Introduction (4:49)
StartBear Representative Posture (12:12)
StartRushing Strike Posture (7:47)
StartPenetrating Strike Posture (8:50)
StartWithdrawing Strike Strengthening Posture (9:44)
StartCarrying Strike Postures (8:25)
StartLeaning Strike Posture (10:16)
StartShocking Strike Postures (9:09)
StartSoft Strike Postures (10:07)
StartFollowing Strike Posture (10:09)
StartTurning Circle Requirements (10:47)
StartBasic Turning (2:32)
StartCovering Rushing Direction Change (5:51)
StartContinuous Rushing Direction Change (6:14)
StartSoft Following Direction Change (6:42)
StartUnderstanding the moves (13:26)

Bear System 02 Strike Training Methods
StartStrike Training Methods Introduction (18:13)
StartStamping Rushing Strikes (15:40)
StartUpper Penetrating Strikes (15:57)
StartShoulder Leaning Strikes (14:13)
StartTurning Shocking Strikes (16:17)
StartGrinding Soft Strike (16:48)
StartCovering Drilling Strikes (18:38)

Bear System 03 Interlocking Rushing Strikes
StartUnderstanding the Moves (13:26)
StartMoving With the Force Palm (14:01)
StartHolding & Lifting Palm (14:37)
StartWindmill Palm (14:01)
StartLying Step Palm (14:43)
StartReversing the Body Palm (17:19)
StartEnfolding Palm (16:17)

Bear System 04 Interlocking Penetrating Strikes
StartUnderstanding the Moves (14:24)
StartMoving With the Force Penetrating Strike (14:38)
StartLifting & Holding Penetrating Strike (16:20)
StartWindmill Penetrating Strike (16:15)
StartLying Step Palm (14:48)
StartReversing the Body Penetrating Strike (14:12)
StartUnfolding Penetrating Strike (15:30)

Bear System 05 Withdrawing Strike Forms
StartUnderstanding the Moves (17:20)
StartMoving with the Force Withdrawing Strikes (15:43)
StartLifting & Holding Withdrawing Strikes (17:08)
StartWindmill Withdrawing Strikes (18:47)
StartLying Step Withdrawing Strikes (14:28)
StartReversing the Body Withdrawing Strikes (16:52)
StartEnfolding Withdrawing Strikes (14:23)

Bear System 06 Carrying Strikes
StartUnderstanding the Moves (14:56)
StartMoving with the Force Carrying Strikes (14:15)
StartLifting & Holding Carrying Strikes (13:55)
StartWindmill Carrying Strikes (14:59)
StartLying Step Carrying Strikes (14:37)
StartReversing the Body Carrying Strikes (14:55)
StartEnfolding Palm Carrying Strikes (14:49)

Bear System 07 Leaning Strikes
StartUnderstanding the Moves (13:48)
StartMoving with the Force Leaning Strikes (13:54)
StartHolding & Lifting Leaning Strikes (15:23)
StartWindmill Leaning Strikes (14:34)
StartLying Step Leaning Strikes (13:58)
StartReversing the Body Leaning Strikes (15:22)
StartEnfolding Leaning Strikes (14:44)

Bear System 08 Shocking Strikes
StartInterlocking Shocking Strikes (14:23)
StartMoving With The Force Shocking Form (14:23)
StartLifting & Holding Shocking Strikes (15:38)
StartWindmill Shocking Form (14:45)
StartLying Step Shocking Form (14:36)
StartReversing the Body Shocking Form (15:46)
StartEnfolding Shocking Form (15:53)

Bear System 09 Soft Strikes
StartInterlocking Soft Strikes (15:05)
StartMoving with the Force Soft Strikes (16:37)
StartLifting & Holding Soft Strikes (15:07)
StartWindmill Soft Strikes (16:45)
StartLying Step Soft Strikes (16:53)
StartReversing the Body Soft Strikes (17:05)
StartEnfolding Soft Strikes (17:27)

Bear System 10 The Following Strikes
StartInterlocking Palm Following Strikes (16:58)
StartMoving With the Force Following Strikes (16:22)
StartHolding & Lifting Following Strikes (17:30)
StartWindmill Following Strikes (16:12)
StartLying Step Following Strike (15:22)
StartReversing the Body Following Strikes (17:12)
StartEnfolding Following Strikes (17:20)